Including current and past research fellows, post-docs, Ph.D. students, and assistants in the order of joining our group (recent to past).
Alice Nova, M.D.
physician, EIT, CT, and US imaging, controlled and assisted mechanical ventilation, acute lung injuryResearcher Profile
Marcus H. Victor Jr., Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, EIT and dynamic CT imaging, perfusion imaging, mechanical ventilation, acute lung injuryResearcher Profile
Timothy G. Gaulton, M.D.
physician, EIT and dynamic CT imaging, perfusion imaging, mechanical ventilation, acute lung injuryResearcher Profile
Yi Xin, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, dynamic CT imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, perfusion imaging, mechanical ventilation, acute lung injuryResearcher Profile
Sydney Montesi, M.D.
physician, 64Cu-FBP8 PET imaging, fibrin imaging, pulmonary embolism, PEResearcher Profile
Ahmed Hassan, M.D.
physician, study manager, perioperative lung injury, outcome predictorsMin Zhu, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, acute lung injury, animal models, outcome predictors, strain, CT ImagingAlex Nagrebetsky, M.D., M.Sc.
physician, perioperative lung dysfunction, outcome predictorsResearchGate Profile
Julian Fischer, M.Sc.
biomedical engineer, image analysis, software developmentAzman Rashid, M.Sc.
genomics, proteomics, global respiratory mechanics, 13NN imaging analysisResearchGate Profile
Takuga Hinoshita, M.D., Ph.D.
physician, acute lung injury, animal models, histopathology, VILI, 13NN imagingResearchGate Profile
Congli Zeng, M.D.
physician, mechanical ventilation, genetics, VILI, CO imagingResearchGate Profile
Valentin Regir, M.Sc.
biomedical engineer, image analysis, software developmentGabriel C. Motta-Ribeiro, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, imaging processing, strain analysis, VILI, lung injury, PETResearchGate Profile
Carolina Kosour, M.D., Ph.D.
perioperative lung dysfunction, animals models of lung injuryJuan Sebastian Osorio-Valencia, M.Sc., M.P.H.
biomedical engineer, image analysis, computational modeling, asthmaResearchGate Profile
Arnoldo Santos, M.D., Ph.D.
physician, 13NN imaging, perfusion, ventilation, VILILinh Le, B.S.
animal models, respiratory mechanicsFatema Jahra, B.S.
lung injury, histopathologyLuiz Paula, M.D., Ph.D.
lung injury, respiratory mechanics, imaging analysis, CTTroels Johansen, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, computational modeling, image analysis, pulmonary gas exchange, asthmaResearchGate Profile
Julio Brandao, M.D., Ph.D.
physician, perioperative lung dysfunction, EIT, respiratory mechanicsLuiz Fernando dos Reis Falcao, M.D., Ph.D.
physician, perioperative lung dysfunction, acute lung injury, histopathologyLuiza H. Degani-Costa, M.D.
physician, 13NN imaging, perfusionNazary Nebeluk, B.S.
13NN imaging , acute lung injurySoshi Hashimoto, M.D., Ph.D.
physician, acute lung injury, animal models histopathology, VILIAmir H. Golnabi, Ph.D.
mathematician, computer engineer, computational modeling, asthmaResearchGate Profile
Elliot E. Greenblatt, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, device development, 13NN imaging, aerosol deposition imaging, image analysis, computational modeling, asthmaVanessa J. Kelly, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, 13NN imaging, 18F-FDG imaging, perfusion, ventilation, image analysis, software development, asthma, PAHResearchGate Profile
Anja Braune, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, 13NN imaging, computational modeling, image analysis, ventilation, perfusion, asthmaResearchGate Profile
Julian Vasilkoski, B.Sc.
physicist, quantitative image analysis, software developmentTyler Wellman, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, 13NN Imaging, acute lung injury, VILI, CT imagingNicolas de Prost, M.D., Ph.D.
physician, 13NN imaging, acute lung injury, VILI, perioperative inflammatory responseResearchGate Profile
Mauro Tucci, M.D., Ph.D.
physician, 13NN imaging, acute lung injury, VILI, histopathologyResearchGate Profile
Chanikarn Wongviriyawong, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, computational modeling, image analysis, asthmaResearchGate Profile
Eduardo L. V. Costa, M.D.
physician, 13NN imaging, acute lung injury, VILI, histopathologyResearchGate Profile
Mamary Kone, M.D., M.P.H.
senior research program manager, physician, 13NN imaging, perfusion, ventilation, 18F-FDG, ARDS, asthma, COPD, PAH, HIVResearchGate Profile
Tobias Schroeder, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, 13NN imaging, 18F-FDG imaging, computational modeling, image analysisNora Tgavalekos, Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, 13NN Imaging, respiratory mechanics, force oscillation technique, computational modelingDominick Layfield,Ph.D.
biomedical engineer, device development, 13NN imaging, image analysis, software development